Telling Our Stories: Collecting and Preserving for Truth and Social Justice
African Americans have contributed to the rich history of New Brunswick in many ways. New Brunswick African American Heritage Committee, Inc. launched a program to capture those histories with Telling Our Stories: Collecting and Preserving for Truth and Social Justice. It collected family memories, photographs, and more stories through interviews with the public. The histories of the interviewees were captured with the help from interns of the Public History Program and the Oral History project from Rutgers University. The library hopes that more members of the community will come forward to tell their stories and share their histories. Click on the portraits below to hear their stories.
NOTE: Be aware that the material in this website is not available for public or commercial use. The library will not issue permission for the use of this material. For public or commercial use of any of the images or presentations, permission must be sought from the people depicted. Please keep in mind that this is not just a question of copyright law compliance but the people presented here need to be respected and they will be the ones who determining with what use they are comfortable.
For access to the archives where these materials are preserved, please contact the library ahead by telephone to make an
appointment. The library archive is a locked, remote room that requires the attendance of the archivist. 732 745 5108 extension 20.