Black History in New Brunswick is a digital collection created by the New Brunswick Free Public that seeks to raise awareness on the history and heritage of New Brunswick’s dynamic Black history. This site features primary sources on New Brunswick’s Black history that explore themes ranging between slavery, civil war, civil rights and education, and current events. The purpose of this site is for students, teachers, parents, librarians, or any interested person to engage with New Brunswick’s Black history through investigating the primary sources available on this digital archive.
This website has also been designed for accessibility by users with special needs: those with low vision, those that use keyboard readers, etc. The visual indicators, image descriptions, and colors, contrasts, and graphics were all created with those needs in mind. Please let us know if you find that any of these features is not working.
The Histories section provides a brief overview of events and people that have been significant to New Brunswick’s Black history. Visit this section for new content as of January 2018.
The Resources section provides both teachers and parents with a list of additional sources to further students’ interest and understanding of Black history, both in New Brunswick and nationwide.
The Collections section displays some of the primary sources on New Brunswick’s Black history including images, newspapers, and various documents.
Black History in New Brunswick was created and designed by Ruqayyah Totten '17, a history student at Rutgers University. Content contributions to the Histories section were provided by Marco Arias, an MLIS candidate at Rutgers University. Content editing provided by Joye Crowe-Logan, MLIS. This project was supervised by E. Kim Adams, NBFPL’s Archival Librarian, and Chelsea Woods-Turner, MLIS, Youth Services Librarian. Special thanks goes to Dr. Kristin O'Brassill-Kulfan, Coordinator & Instructor of Public History, and her students in the Spring 2017 Public History class.

The New Brunswick Free Public Library has been serving the New Brunswick community since 1796. With services ranging from cultural events, career planning, and youth programming, the library remains an evolving, dynamic, and inclusive space. To learn more about NBFPL or keep up to date with our programs, please visit us at: www.nbfpl.org